Monday, December 6, 2010

Redundancy of Being a Working Mother

After a brief maternity leave, I am back to the grind. It is ironic to say the grind, because it is. How can we women wear the many hats we are expected to wear? Can we love our families, have the "career," outfit our house like a Pottery Barn catalog, wear size 6 jeans, raise productive empathetic adults and have a passionate marriage? To accomplish the aforementioned is a feat in itself. I get exhausted just thinking about it and tend to avoid it. Then there is the housework and the division of such, but that is a blog or a series of blogs for later.

My biggest wondering is can we truly have it all? My mom says no and there is always a crack. Sure there is always a crack somewhere in someones life, but with technology and modern conveniences, is it possible to have it all? That is the essential question, I hope to explore as I write this blog.

This quote served as a muse for me to even write (Trust me, I work with numbers all day and words have never been a strong suit of mine much less to put them on paper).

“The phrase "working mother" is redundant” - Jane Sellman

Of course it is redundant. It never ends. We are always at work whether it is at home or at our career. I am not solely speaking about the care of our children, but I merely make reference to the ins and outs to making our lives work. Notice, I did not use "my," but I used "our." As a mother, I can never again consider just myself, there are children and of course, a husband that are in the mix.

The fact the I am trying to write a blog about this when I have never been able to keep a journal in my life is in itself a miracle. Why at this time in my life do I feel so compelled to write? Well for one thing, I need something to do and I procrastinate (did I say passionate marriage). Second, I need some "me" time (Do you think I can spare 5 minutes a day to write this? Last, I want to try to answer with guidance from peers, the essential question? Time and words will only tell.....